Saturday, July 05, 2008

Lola's Trip to the Hospital

Well the end of June brought us a unexpected trip to the hospital with Lola. She got a bacterial infection that produced a half golf ball sized bump on the side of her neck. After a day full of tests and a CT scan they determined it was drainable and that Lola would under go sugery. Not the easiest thing to take as a parent but we survived.

Here's where they put her IV - babies veins are hard to find.......took 3 trys.

Relaxing after surgey still feeling the effect of the drugs

This is where they made the small cut and drained the infection

Happy to be done and ready to go home......

Well after 4 days in the hospital they sent us home with a clean bill of health and a 10 day supply of anitbiotics to insure that the infection was gone for good.

As of today, July 5, she is back to normal. You would never know anything happen unless we told you. Lola is puling herself up and even thinking about walking......But just thinking about it.

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